Retail, Mixed-Use
The Pitch Retail

DJI 0958
211109 AG Urban Works Pitch 002
211109 AG Urban Works Pitch 001
DJI 0500
DJI 0937

A new field of play across from Allianz Field.

The Pitch includes an unparalleled retail opportunity immediately across the street from 19,400-seat Allianz Field. The property is located off of the heavily traveled Snelling Avenue, one block from the Green Line and midway between the downtowns. The Pitch houses the Bremer Bank that formerly occupied the site and offers three additional retail suites with five floors of market-rate apartments above.


  • Prime building signage opportunity on Snelling Avenue (42,500 VPD)
  • Across the street from 19,400-seat Allianz Field, home of the Minnesota United (14,500 season-ticket holders as of 2021)
  • On the Metro Transit Bus Rapid Transit A line and one block from Snelling & University station on the Green Line light rail
  • Upper five floors house market-rate apartment community (160 units)
Space Available
435, 439 Snelling Avenue North
St. Paul, MN 55104

Union Park Neighborhood
2,495 SF; 1,151 - 1,344 SF available
2.6 : 1,000 SF
Owner, Developer, Manager, Leasing

Current Availability

Retail1,151 SFSuite 4353D TourFloor Plan
Retail1,344 SFSuite 4393D TourFloor Plan


Justin Bryant

Leasing Agent &
Property Manager

Justin Bryant


435, 439 Snelling Avenue North St. Paul MN 55104 | Get Directions