Connect with Us
We always try to provide same-day service but requests after 3PM (with the exception of emergencies) may be handled the following day.
General Inquiries
(651) 292-9844
1625 Energy Park Drive
Suite 100
St. Paul, MN 55108
Commercial Maintenance & Customer Service
Customer service will address all non-emergency inquiries during regular business hours (8am-5pm, M-F). Requests after 3pm may be handled the next business day. If you have an after-hours (5pm-8am nightly, weekends) emergency, please contact us at the after-hours emergency line for assistance.
651-999-5516 (regular hours)
651-270-3870 (commercial after-hours emergency)
Residential Maintenance & Customer Service
Please contact your residential office during regular business hours (8am-5pm, M-F). If you have an after-hours emergency, please call the phone number below for assistance.
612-751-3392 (residential after-hours emergency)
Interested in joining the team? We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and offer competitive salary and benefits for all full-time positions. Current openings.
General Inquiries
(651) 292-9844